オンライン英会話 (QQ English) 学習記録 その2

  • QQ Englishでのレッスン2日目 (2018.07.27)。




“Before starting a lesson, there is one thing I’d like to ask you. Don’t go easy on my mistakes. I would like to study seriously”



受講レッスン:News Alert

タイトル:“Why Ransomware Is The Most Popular Tool For Cyberattacks”





  • sentece - The punishment assigned to a defendant found guilty by a court, or fixed by law for a particular offence.
  • devastating - Highly destructive or damaging.
  • infect - Affect (a person, organism, etc.) with a disease-causing organism.

Cybersecurity experts say there is an overlooked way to keep hackers at bay

の"at bay"の意味

  1. decade (noun) [DE - keyd] – a period of ten years
  2. high-profile (adjective) [hay, PROHW - fayl] – well-known or attracting a lot of attention or publicity
  3. ransomware (noun) [RAHN - s(uh)m - wer] – software designed by criminals to prevent computer users from getting access to their own computer system or files unless they pay money
  4. buzz (noun) [baz] – (informal) information that people are talking about that is not official and is not definitely true
  5. hacker (noun) [HAH - kuhr] – someone who illegally obtains access to private computer systems
  6. reliant (adjective) [ri - LA - yuhnt] – depending on someone or something
  7. reliable (adjective) [ri - LA - yuh - b(uh)l] – (of a thing) dependable and works well in the way you expect
  8. pervasive (adjective) [puhr - VEY - siv] – spreading through the whole of something and becoming a very obvious feature of it
  9. vulnerability (noun) [val - n(uh) - ruh - BI - luh - tee] – the quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed
  10. infect (verb) [in - FEKT] – to pass harmful programs from one computer to another, or within files in the same computer
  11. breach (noun) [breech] – a hole that is made in a structure being used for protection during an attack
  12. human error (noun) [HYOO - muhn, E - ruhr] – an error that is typical of humans rather than machines
  13. phishing (adjective) [FI - shing] – relating to an attempt to trick someone into giving information over the internet or by email that would allow you to take money from them
  14. server (noun) [SUHR - vuhr] – IT: a central computer that controls and provides information to other computers in a network
  15. uptick (noun) [AP - tik] – an increase in something
  16. extortion (noun) [iks - TOR - sh(uh)n] – LEGAL: a crime in which someone gets money or information from someone else by using force or threats
  17. detection (noun) [ di - TEK - sh(uh)n] – the discovery of something such as a piece of information
  18. anonymity (noun) [ah - nuh - NI - muh - tee] – the situation in which someone’s name is not given or known
  19. hit (verb) [hit] – to affect someone or something badly
  20. malware (noun) [MAHL - wer] – IT: software such as a virus that is designed to damage or destroy information on a computer
  21. cybersecurity (noun) [SAY - buhr, sek - YOO - ruh - tee] – IT: ways of protecting computer systems against threats such as viruses cyber- (prefix) – relating to computers and the Internet
  22. overlooked (adjective) [OHW - vuhr, lukt] – missed or unnoticed VIDEO ARTICLE LP Maker: Sequena Proofread: Warren

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ESL Podcast ep. 1114 in Japanese