オンライン英会話 (QQ English) 学習記録 その1

  • QQ Englishでのレッスン1日目 (2018.07.23)。




“Before starting a lesson, there is one thing I’d like to ask you. Don’t go easy on my mistakes.”



受講レッスン:News alert

タイトル:“Why Ransomware Is The Most Popular Tool For Cyberattacks”


Question: How safe do you think your computer is against program malwares?

My Answer: It is difficult to say the exact number. But if you use Windows and turns on Windows Defender, and you don’t connect an unknown network, it would be very safe.

Question: What are the antiviruses you have and how sure are you that they are effective?

My Answer: I use just Windows Defender. I read an article about the antiviruses. It says that if you use Windows, to use Windows Defender is the most safe way other than to use software not for free, for example, McAfee or something like that.

  • ransomware - A type of malicious software designed to block access to a computer system until a sum of money is paid.
  • ransom - A sum of money demanded or paid for the release of a captive.
  • Captive - A person who has been taken prisoner or an animal that has been confined.
  • malicious - Characterized by malice; intending or intended to do harm.
  • for a living: done to earn enough money to live.



  1. decade (noun) [DE - keyd] – a period of ten years
  2. high-profile (adjective) [hay, PROHW - fayl] – well-known or attracting a lot of attention or publicity
  3. ransomware (noun) [RAHN - s(uh)m - wer] – software designed by criminals to prevent computer users from getting access to their own computer system or files unless they pay money
  4. buzz (noun) [baz] – (informal) information that people are talking about that is not official and is not definitely true
  5. hacker (noun) [HAH - kuhr] – someone who illegally obtains access to private computer systems
  6. reliant (adjective) [ri - LA - yuhnt] – depending on someone or something
  7. reliable (adjective) [ri - LA - yuh - b(uh)l] – (of a thing) dependable and works well in the way you expect
  8. pervasive (adjective) [puhr - VEY - siv] – spreading through the whole of something and becoming a very obvious feature of it
  9. vulnerability (noun) [val - n(uh) - ruh - BI - luh - tee] – the quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed
  10. infect (verb) [in - FEKT] – to pass harmful programs from one computer to another, or within files in the same computer
  11. breach (noun) [breech] – a hole that is made in a structure being used for protection during an attack
  12. human error (noun) [HYOO - muhn, E - ruhr] – an error that is typical of humans rather than machines
  13. phishing (adjective) [FI - shing] – relating to an attempt to trick someone into giving information over the internet or by email that would allow you to take money from them
  14. server (noun) [SUHR - vuhr] – IT: a central computer that controls and provides information to other computers in a network
  15. uptick (noun) [AP - tik] – an increase in something
  16. extortion (noun) [iks - TOR - sh(uh)n] – LEGAL: a crime in which someone gets money or information from someone else by using force or threats
  17. detection (noun) [ di - TEK - sh(uh)n] – the discovery of something such as a piece of information
  18. anonymity (noun) [ah - nuh - NI - muh - tee] – the situation in which someone’s name is not given or known
  19. hit (verb) [hit] – to affect someone or something badly
  20. malware (noun) [MAHL - wer] – IT: software such as a virus that is designed to damage or destroy information on a computer
  21. cybersecurity (noun) [SAY - buhr, sek - YOO - ruh - tee] – IT: ways of protecting computer systems against threats such as viruses cyber- (prefix) – relating to computers and the Internet
  22. overlooked (adjective) [OHW - vuhr, lukt] – missed or unnoticed VIDEO ARTICLE LP Maker: Sequena Proofread: Warren

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ESL Podcast ep. 1114 in Japanese