オンライン英会話 (QQ English) 学習記録 その3

  • QQ Englishでのレッスン3日目 (2018.08.03)。



受講レッスン:News Alert

タイトル:“MIT scientists created an AI-powered ‘psychopath’ named Norman”



Q. Have you made a robot? A. No, I have not. But I played with Gundam figures when I was a child.

Q. What is “psychopath”? A. It means a person who is crazy, especially, tend to kill someone.

  • sentece - The punishment assigned to a defendant found guilty by a court, or fixed by law for a particular offence.
  • devastating - Highly destructive or damaging.
  • infect - Affect (a person, organism, etc.) with a disease-causing organism.
  1. psychopath (noun) [SAY - kuh - pahth] – someone with a mental disorder that makes them behave in ways that can be dangerous to other people

  2. artificial intelligence (noun) [ar-ti-FI-sh(uh)l, in-TE-luh-juhns] – TECHNOLOGY: (abbrev. AI) an area of computer science that emphasizes the creation of intelligent machines that work and react like humans

  3. algorithm (noun) [AHL - guh - ri - Thuhm] – TECHNOLOGY: a set of mathematical instructions, especially if given to a computer, will help to calculate and give an answer to a particular kind of problem or question

  4. caption (noun) [KAHP - sh(uh)n] – words printed near or on a picture that explain something about the picture

  5. inkblot test (noun) [INGK, blat]* – PSYCHOLOGY: a psychological test in which a person is shown spots of ink and asked what they look like, as a way of learning about the person’s personality or feelings

  6. fatally (adverb) [FEY - t(uh) - lee] – so seriously that someone dies as a result

  7. horrifying (adjective) [HO - ri - fa - ying] – extremely unpleasant

  8. chat bot (noun) [CHAHT, bat] – TECHNOLOGY: a computer program designed to have a conversation with a human being, especially over the internet

  9. provoke (verb) [pruh - VOHWK] – to cause a reaction, especially a negative one

  10. racist (adjective) [REY - sist] – believing that other races are not as good as your own and therefore treating them unfairly

  11. via (preposition) [VA/VEE - yuh] – by means of

  12. explore (verb) [iks – PLOR] – to think or talk about something in order to find out more about it

  13. incorporate (verb) [in - KOR - puh - reyt] – to include something as part of something larger

  14. simulate (verb) [SIM - yuh - leyt] – to create conditions or processes similar to something that exists

  1. graphic images – visual images or designs on some surface, such as a wall, canvas, screen, paper, or stone to inform, illustrate, or entertain

  2. go wrong – to fail or malfunction

  3. biased data – STATISTICS: data that is calculated in such a way that it is different from the quantity or parameter being estimated

  4. pick up – to learn something

  5. pour in – (of information) to continue to arrive in great numbers

  6. empathy tools – objects or cognitive or social techniques that allow designers to get a sense of what a user experiences and feels

今回は以上です。 最後まで読んでいただき、ありがとうございます。



ESL Podcast ep. 1114 in Japanese