1197 - Reaching a Legal Settlement
Sometimes you will get more money from resolving your problems without going to court. Learn how to do it in this episode.
Andre: Relax. This case will never go to trial. For disputes of this kind, neither party wants to fight it out in court, so we almost always reach a settlement.
Nadia: If we do go to court, the legal fees could skyrocket. I couldn’t afford that.
Andre: If we reach a settlement, you won’t have to worry too much about that.
Nadia: All right, but what if they don’t want to admit wrongdoing?
Andre: If we reach a settlement, they don’t need to. They’ll simply pay out.
Nadia: Even if they don’t admit it, at least I’ll be able to talk freely about it.
Andre: Well, that might be a problem. Many settlements require confidentiality – from both parties.
Nadia: You mean if I settle, I can’t talk about it?
Andre: If there is a confidentiality clause, you’d be in breach of contract if you discussed the settlement.
Nadia: I didn’t know that. You mean I can’t talk about what they did to me without getting my day in court?
Andre: That’s the long and short of it.
Nadia: I guess justice is blind – but only for the rich!
lawsuit: a claim or complaint against somebody that a person or an organization can make in court
trial: the time when you go in front of a judge in a court in order to decide if you are going to win lawsuit or not
dispute: disagreement or argument
party: person of organization who is involved in leagal action
to fight it out: to continue arguing
settlement: an agreement where you decide to give money to the other person

to skyrocket: to increase very quickly
to admit: to say that you did something wrong
to pay out: to give someone a large amount of money
confidentiality: not talk something anyone else
clause: section or part of legal agreement
breach: break/violate
get one's day in court: go in front of judge and talk about what happen as part of a civil lawsuit
the long and short of something: that is correct/ accurate statement
I'm (not) sure ~: 確かに~だと思う
You mean ~ ?: ~という意味ですか?